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These Were The Only Two Things “Love Is Blind” Got Right This Season

These Were The Only Two Things “Love Is Blind” Got Right This Season

Where do we start? I wasn’t a fan of how producers approached this season generally. I don’t know if it’s the deadline pressure Netflix may have put their top performing reality show under to premiere two seasons in one year or if it’s something else, but this season was a hot-ass mess.

Though the casting was diverse, it felt like Netflix didn’t do thorough background checks on some of these folks. There’s no way social media should’ve been able to find out Tyler has three secret kids the day this season premiered and casting producers didn’t. They either knew and wanted to be agents of chaos or were focused on the wrong things. 

Also, we’ve been asking this all season, but where were the confessionals? Where was the context? Where’s the footage? Why did producers feel the need to drop us in the middle of conflict all season? That was disorienting and made the show hard to watch. Social media filled in more blanks than ever. —Taryn

This season was an absolute trainwreck, from its casting choices to plot holes. I would love to get some of our questions answered at the reunion, but I won’t get my hopes up. Also, it was so bizarre ending the season with just two couples at the altar. Usually the weddings are a surefire way to get me emotional, but it just didn’t hit for me this time around. — Taiyler 

So many things went wrong with these couples, from the lack of chemistry to the many breakups. It’s baffling that Love Is Blind followed the most couples they ever had in a single season and still wound up with only two married couples. At this point, I’m convinced this show is no longer concerned with making real love connections, but instead producing the most chaotic dating series on television. 

My biggest beef with Season 7 is how much viewers were kept in the dark about major offscreen events. After 12 episodes, we still don’t have proper context for many of the couples’ arguments because editing botched the footage so much. Even in past seasons, we’ve at least gotten confessional updates to fill in the blanks, but it seems like the Love Is Blind production team was happy to let social media do that job instead this season with online receipts. I hope that decision gets explained at some point because creating intentional confusion for messy drama isn’t the way to win audiences over, nor will it convince people to want to tune in next season. — Njera

The worst part about this season being such a dud is that we probably still won’t get very many questions answered at the reunion, just based off of what we’ve seen before. Last season’s reunion barely even scratched the surface of Jimmy and Chelsea, for example. Nick and Vanessa aren’t known for holding anyone’s feet to the fire or asking the right questions — and I’d be surprised if they wise up now. This was a really disappointing season and I’m anticipating a disappointing reunion, too. — Cambria

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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