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6 Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Manipulating You – News18

6 Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Manipulating You – News18

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While they may be difficult to identify in the beginning, certain telltale signs show you are being emotionally manipulated.

Manipulative partners often employ guilt as a powerful tool to control others. (Representative Image)

It’s natural to be influenced by your partner in a relationship, but things can become problematic when they begin to manipulate you for control. While these manipulative behaviours may not be obvious at first, there are clear warning signs that indicate you might be experiencing emotional manipulation. Such dynamics can significantly impact your mental health and hinder your personal growth and aspirations.

According to PsychCentral, a mental health website, “Emotional manipulation can be a form of emotional abuse.” If one remains in an emotionally manipulative relationship for a long time, it can lead to fatigue, burnout, self-doubt and even serious mental disorders.

Here are 6 warning signs of emotional manipulation that will help you get out of a manipulative relationship:

Excessive guilt-tripping

Manipulative partners often employ guilt as a powerful tool to control others. If you think your partner is consistently making you feel guilty for things that are not your fault or exaggerating your mistakes and shortcomings, then they are trying to keep you under their influence. This is a clear sign that your partner is emotionally manipulating you, and this behaviour can be toxic in the long term as you may start regretting your actions and feelings.

Constant criticism

Emotional manipulators frequently blame you for the smallest of issues and do not leave any chance to belittle you, eroding your self-esteem. They may bombard you with insults, demeaning remarks, or constant nitpicking to make you doubt yourself. If this is the case in your relationship, then it’s a sign that your partner may be emotionally manipulating you.


Gaslighting is an act of manipulation where a person distorts or denies reality, making you doubt your own perception and emotions. They may twist situations to make you doubt your memory or sanity or consistently deny things they previously said. Your partner may also make you believe that you are overreacting and that a particular incident never happened. If not stopped, it can lead to confusion and lack of lack of confidence.

Keeping you isolated

While it’s okay if your partner is possessive about you, his/her objection to your hangout plans with friends is certainly a red flag. Manipulators may use emotional blackmail to manipulate your behaviour, and if they are trying to stop you from spending time with other people, it is an indication of their controlling mindset. They may sometimes threaten to withhold love, support, or affection unless you comply with their demands, creating a sense of fear, guilt, or obligation.

Victim card

Is your partner continuously playing the victim card? If you notice that when you try to have a conversation about their erratic behaviour, they will immediately make you feel guilty about it or say that you are not understanding them. They try to gain sympathy and avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This passive-aggressive behaviour is also an example of emotional manipulation.

Emotional rollercoaster

Are you often confused by your partner’s feelings? If yes, let us tell you that manipulators often create a tumultuous emotional environment. They can switch between extreme affection and hostility, love bombing you one moment and then withdrawing their affection the next. This inconsistent behaviour keeps you off-balance and makes you feel uncertain of their true nature.

News lifestyle 6 Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Manipulating You

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