Home Life Style 6 Must-Do Stretches Before Your Next Walk – News18

6 Must-Do Stretches Before Your Next Walk – News18

6 Must-Do Stretches Before Your Next Walk – News18

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Make sure you do all these easy stretching exercises before walking.

Stretching and warm-up exercises are vital to prepare your body for physical activity and minimise the risk of injury. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Walking is a simple yet effective way to improve overall health and maintain fitness. Like any other exercise, it can help burn calories, strengthen bones, enhance digestion, improve heart health, and boost muscle power and endurance. However, just because walking is easy doesn’t mean it requires no precautions. Just as we warm up before gym workouts, it’s essential to stretch before walking.

Stretching and warm-up exercises are vital to prepare your body for physical activity and minimise the risk of injury. Here are some stretches you can do before heading out for a walk.

Hamstring and Ankle Stretch

Sit at the edge of a chair with one leg extended straight in front of you, toes pointing upward. Lean forward from your hips to feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. Stretching your hamstrings can help you gain flexibility and enhance your hip and knee range of motion.

Calf Stretching

Stand up straight while holding a chair for support. Place one leg behind you with the heel flat on the ground, bend the front knee, and lean forward to stretch the calf. Calf stretch can increase your short-term range of motion and reduce the risk of injury.

Arm and Shoulder Stretch

Extend one arm across your chest and use the opposite hand to gently pull it toward your body. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides. Arm and shoulder stretch can help reduce the risk of injury and increase the range of motion.

Leg Swings

Stand next to a wall for support, and swing one leg forward, backwards, and side-to-side in a controlled motion. Repeat with the other leg. Benefits? It improves balance, stretches the calves, hamstrings, and groin, increases joint mobility.

Groin Stretch

Groin stretches are good for your leg muscles and can help with walking by providing mobility and preventing injuries. As for the process, stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width. Let the left foot face forward and point the right foot 45 degrees to the right and lunge in that direction without allowing the knee to go past the toes. Repeat the move on the left side.

Jumping Jack

We’ve all heard about Jumping jack exercises during our school days. It is one of the best stretching exercises to begin any physical activity with as it helps in opening our joints and is good for our cardiovascular health. Begin by standing tall, with your feet and arms at your sides. While jumping, spread your arms and legs apart, then return to the beginning position by jumping again and bringing your arms and feet together. Repeat the process 10-12 times.

Make sure you do all these easy stretching exercises before walking.

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